Welcome ,
Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It Is:
To Overcome Disempowering, Toxic Ideas & Perceptions About Yourself And Your Life… And Instill Powerful, New, Empowered Awarenesses Into Your Mind & Heart So You Can Achieve Your Goals & Dreams No Matter What.
Success Is Your Birthright,
You are a Spiritual Being. Safe & Secure. Always Become #1 Of The Self
Being Teachable & Activating Your Transformation
End Result Of This Mission
This session with change the way you see yourself and others. Forgiveness is the Queen of all transformation. It is only when we forgive ourself, and others, that we are set free. This session will set you free. And by being more free, you will feel more light, happy and excited about life.
What You Will Discover
In this session, you will learn how to forgive; how to let go of resentment and hurt. You will learn 9 powerful techniques on forgiveness and letting go. By learning these, you will have the awareness and knowledge to release negativity and toxic resentment. You can use just one, or practice all 9. All are effective methods to free yourself, forgive yourself and create a magical life of grace, ease, and joy.
Time It Takes To Complete
Time to listen: 36 mins
Time to apply: 1-2 hours
Time to apply: 1-2 hours
You are a Spiritual Being. Safe & Secure. Always Become #1 Of The Self
Being Teachable & Activating Your Transformation
End Result Of This Mission
This session with change the way you see yourself and others. Forgiveness is the Queen of all transformation. It is only when we forgive ourself, and others, that we are set free. This session will set you free. And by being more free, you will feel more light, happy and excited about life.
What You Will Discover
In this session, you will learn how to forgive; how to let go of resentment and hurt. You will learn 9 powerful techniques on forgiveness and letting go. By learning these, you will have the awareness and knowledge to release negativity and toxic resentment. You can use just one, or practice all 9. All are effective methods to free yourself, forgive yourself and create a magical life of grace, ease, and joy.
Time It Takes To Complete
Time to listen: 36 mins
Time to apply: 1-2 hours
Time to apply: 1-2 hours
How Teachable Are You?
Being Teachable & Activating Your Transformation
End Result Of This Mission
This session will show you exactly how teachable you are right now by explaining your teachability index. You’ll discover who it’s worth learning from (and who you need to avoid listening to). You’ll also discover how to upgrade your teachability so you become more and more teachable each day (and therefore change your life). Enjoy this session!
What You Will Discover
This session will radically increase your ability to receive information and actually change your life. Many people read books and do courses, but only those who are ‘teachable’ can receive the information into their beings and actually change their lives. If you’re not teachable there is nothing much that can be done for you! So learn what it takes to become teachable and do everything you can to remain highly teachable.
Time It Takes To Complete
40 Mins
The Talent Myth
Name of Audio
End Result Of This Mission
This session with change the way you see yourself and others. Forgiveness is the Queen of all transformation. It is only when we forgive ourself, and others, that we are set free. This session will set you free. And by being more free, you will feel more light, happy and excited about life.
What You Will Discover
In this session, you will learn how to forgive; how to let go of resentment and hurt. You will learn 9 powerful techniques on forgiveness and letting go. By learning these, you will have the awareness and knowledge to release negativity and toxic resentment. You can use just one, or practice all 9. All are effective methods to free yourself, forgive yourself and create a magical life of grace, ease, and joy.
Time It Takes To Complete
40 Mins
The Upper Limit Problem
Name of Audio
End Result Of This Mission
This session will show you exactly how teachable you are right now by explaining your teachability index. You’ll discover who it’s worth learning from (and who you need to avoid listening to). You’ll also discover how to upgrade your teachability so you become more and more teachable each day (and therefore change your life). Enjoy this session!
What You Will Discover
This session will radically increase your ability to receive information and actually change your life. Many people read books and do courses, but only those who are ‘teachable’ can receive the information into their beings and actually change their lives. If you’re not teachable there is nothing much that can be done for you! So learn what it takes to become teachable and do everything you can to remain highly teachable.
Time It Takes To Complete
40 Mins
Importance of Bestowing / Being Part of it
Name of Audio
End Result Of This Mission
This session with change the way you see yourself and others. Forgiveness is the Queen of all transformation. It is only when we forgive ourself, and others, that we are set free. This session will set you free. And by being more free, you will feel more light, happy and excited about life.
What You Will Discover
In this session, you will learn how to forgive; how to let go of resentment and hurt. You will learn 9 powerful techniques on forgiveness and letting go. By learning these, you will have the awareness and knowledge to release negativity and toxic resentment. You can use just one, or practice all 9. All are effective methods to free yourself, forgive yourself and create a magical life of grace, ease, and joy.
Time It Takes To Complete
40 Mins
Download All Audios
Note: All the audios will be in a .zip file. You’ll need to click on it to uncompress it. Then you can put them on you phone or add to iTunes etc. Enjoy.
Enjoy These Advanced Sessions For Extra Support, Insight & Magic
Your Hero’s Journey: Bringing Spirit Into Form
Your Hero's Journey : 3 Levels of Creation
Your Hero’s Journey - The 12 Steps of the Hero's Joureny
Hero's Journey Archetypes
End Result Of This Mission
In this session you will discover your eternal story of the hero’s journey. You’ll find out how you will go from birth to death and rebirth following the cycles of life, the four seasons as you progress throughout your path. It’s the eternal clock that repeats over and over through the world and also through our own lives. Once we complete one hero’s journey and return home, our hero’s journey repeats again. And to really live a full and meaningful life we choose to embrace the journey. We accept the cycle will continue to turn and allow our lives to flow with the rhythms of nature.
What You Will Discover
According to Joseph Campbell, all powerful stories follow a simple pattern that repeats itself throughout all cultures at all times and can be summarized in his monomyth:
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”
Time It Takes To Complete
40 Mins
Emergence: What’s Behind The Magic?
End Result Of This Mission
In this session you will discover:
• Why most people fail and have a depressing life
• What it REALLY takes to make your dreams come true
• What you need to avoid if you’re really wanting to change your life
• The blueprint to long lasting joy, freedom, bliss, happiness and love
• Why most people fail and have a depressing life
• What it REALLY takes to make your dreams come true
• What you need to avoid if you’re really wanting to change your life
• The blueprint to long lasting joy, freedom, bliss, happiness and love
What You Will Discover
You’ll discover what it REALLY takes to be successful and free yourself from ‘hoping’ and dreaming. All the hope in the world ins’t going to make the slightest difference to you if you’re not willing to take action and make things happen. This video explains what success is really about and how to attain it. Pay close attention and be willing to break out of the myths that have bound you in illusion.
Time It Takes To Complete
40 Mins