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Discover The Magic Of Story

The Power Of Story

by Michael Mackintosh & Arielle Hecht | Awakened Academy


Your Hero’s Journey:
Embrace Your Real-Life Mythical Adventure Into Greatness

How will this session make your life better?

According to Joseph Campbell, all powerful stories follow a simple pattern that repeats itself throughout all cultures at all times and can be summarized in his monomyth:

“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”

What will you learn?

In this session you will discover your eternal story of the hero’s journey. You’ll find out how you will go from birth to death and rebirth following the cycles of life, the four seasons as you progress throughout your path. It’s the eternal clock that repeats over and over through the world and also through our own lives. Once we complete one hero’s journey and return home, our hero’s journey repeats again. And to really live a full and meaningful life we choose to embrace the journey. We accept the cycle will continue to turn and allow our lives to flow with the rhythms of nature.

Your Hero's Journey : 3 Levels of Creation

by Michael Mackintosh & Arielle Hecht | Awakened Academy

Your Hero’s Journey - The 12 Steps of the Hero's Journey

by Michael Mackintosh & Arielle Hecht | Awakened Academy

Hero's Journey Archetypes

by Michael Mackintosh & Arielle Hecht | Awakened Academy

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Your Bonuses

What’s your story? Re-writing your life story

How will this session make your life better?

Life is really just an elaborate story. And the story we tell about ourselves and our lives creates the filters through which we see the world.

What will you learn?

In this bonus session you’ll discover your current (possibly faulty) life story and then you’ll be able to re-write your life story again, so you create a story that works and allows you to succeed.

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